Buckland Parish: Census Records 1841 to 1901
The whole of England was subject to a census survey in 1841, and again every 10 years since. The last census to be made public is the 1901 census. Everyone resident in the village on the census night is recorded by surname, first names, relationship to head-of-house, occupation, age and place of birth. The house name is sometimes given, or you may be able to find the house in the context of surrounding features. The census transcripts for the Parish of Buckland are presented here in Excel 6.0, and can be viewed and downloaded if you have Excel on your PC.
You can then use the Data: Sort function of Excel to sort by surname, house/road name. To return the transcripts to their original order, sort by the number in column one. Each Census prints out on between 9 and 14 pages of A4.
All the census returns for Buckland from 1841-1901 are now available as free downloads (click below). If you find an interesting story or family link as a result of your searches, please let us know.