Buckland Village, Surrey Buckland Windmill Buckland Windmill Vanes


Surrey Police
Please refer to the Surrey Police page on this website to read guidance on reporting incidents, issues and concerns to your local police.

Highway Issues
Most highways issues should be reported to Surrey County Council (SCC) by either submitting an online report or by telephoning 0300 200 1003 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays).  If a footpath has a tarmac surface any problems along the footpath need to be reported to SCC. SCC Councillor Helyn Clack, has also invited residents to email Helyn  with details of any reports you submit to Surrey Highways.

Road Safety Concerns

If you have a road safety concern about a particular location on the local highways and submit a report to SCC (Select the option most like the issue – Report a highway issue – Surrey County Council), your concern can be considered by the Road Safety Working Group.

Road Safety Working Group meetings are attended by Surrey Police and SCC road safety and highway specialists who review collision data analysis (principally collisions involving injury recorded by Surrey Police) alongside local knowledge and site visits to identify patterns in incidents that could be tackled by highway improvements or enforcement.

If your road safety concern is more associated with reckless or antisocial driving or poor behaviour by road users, SCC advises this type of concern is best reported to Surrey Police in case they can provide additional attention to the location or individual(s) involved.

Mole Valley District Council (MVDC)
Sometimes an issue you may think relates to highways is reported to MVDC, our District Council including abandoned vehicles, street and footway cleaning, missing or damaged road names (which need to be reported under “General Enquiry” as currently there is no specific link on MVDC’s website), dead animals and fly tipping.  A missed bin collection can be reported here. If you prefer to call, telephone 01306 885001.

Visit the MVDC online reporting or the SCC Do it online page to report an issue to to our local principal authorities. MVDC recently published a poster to help residents know whether to direct a query to MVDC or SCC.

Noise Nuisance
Our two local District Councils provide advice on noise nuisance on their websites – if the noise is coming from Mole Valley click Noise in MVDC and if from Reigate and Banstead click Noise in R&B.  Both Councils have a link on the relevant page to report the noise pollution.

Grass Cutting alongside Highways
Refer to SCC verge maintenance for details of grass cutting alongside our highways and to report any problems you spot. 

Rights of Way (footpaths, bridleways, byways and BOATs)
Please report any problems you encounter on local Rights of Way.  SCC requires you to register before you can report a problem on a Right of Way – please don’t be put off, it doesn’t take long.

Roads and Transport
Please click Roadworks in my area to read an item published under Parish News.

Motorways and Trunk Roads
These are maintained by Highways England, refer to Highways England for further information including a map showing these types of highway and guidance on reporting a problem.  The A3 is currently the only trunk road in Surrey.

Street lighting and illuminated street furniture
UK Power Networks now have a facility on their website that displays all street lights, traffic lights, illuminated bollards and other street furniture where they have been contacted by the local highways authority to either install a new light, or make a repair to the power supplying the structure.  n. If the problem you have identifed is not shown you can report it.

Surface Water Flooding
If flooding is serious enough to be a threat to life or a house is likely to flood SCC advises residents to call 999, or the Environment Agency Hotline 0800 80 70 60.  If a road is flooded SCC asks you to treat this as an emergency and call 0300 200 1003.

Foul Water Flooding
The Environment Agency asks you to call their 24 hr incident hotline on 0800 807060 if you are concerned a local watercourse is at risk from a sewerage problem.

Aircraft Noise
Should you be affected by noise there are two sites you can use to monitor aircraft movements, identify specific aircraft and register a noise complaint – click Gatwick or Heathrow. On 1st April 2019 Gatwick reintroduced the option of calling 01293 311568 to register a complaint and also publicised links to submit an online complaint via PC or mobile.

Scam Mail
Report scam mail to Royal Mail.