Parish Meeting
In every parished area of England there exists a “Parish Meeting” which consists of all the local government electors registered to vote in the parish. The rules governing Parish Meetings are set out in the Local Government Act 1972.
Accordingly, Buckland’s Parish Meeting is made up of all electors in Buckland which will include you provided you live within the parish of Buckland and your name appears on the Local Government Electoral Roll.
Parish Meetings are required to assemble at least once each year between 1st March and 1st June with proceedings starting no earlier than 6pm. In Buckland, which has a Parish Council, an assembly may be convened by the Chair of Buckland Parish Council, by any two Buckland Parish Councillors or by any six electors of the parish.
The 2024 Parish Meeting was held at 8pm on Monday 18th March 2024 in the Reading Room, Old Road, Buckland and draft minutes are available to download (scroll down this page and click the link).
The Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting provides an opportunity for residents to engage, to discuss topical issues, and to consider the future needs of the parish.
The Parish Council has often taken the opportunity to consult with the Parish Meeting on topical issues, anticipated policy changes being considered by Mole Valley District Council and Surrey County Council and potential amenity improvements so do make the time to come along to contribute and help influence future priorities.
Minutes : Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting
18th March 2024 (draft) Presentation: Debbie Jones
6th March 2023
25th May 2022 Presentations: Michael Bourke & Dion Mellows
19th April 2021
The 2020 Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting was cancelled in accordance with government guidance.
25th March 2019
19th March 2018