Buckland Village, Surrey Buckland Windmill Buckland Windmill Vanes

Tinker, Tailor, Artist, Spy. Sir Peter Paul Rubens as a Diplomat and Agent

Do come for a wonderful richly illustrated talk. If you are not a member (we are recruiting new members now) do come as a visitor to the hall on Monday 14th April 2025 in time for a 2.30pm start. Just pay £8 at the door.

 Few gallery-goers are aware that Rubens was not only the most influential artist of his period, but also a high-ranking diplomat and informal spy. During his glamorous and prestigious career, Rubens travelled throughout Europe and was esteemed by the mightiest kings and queens of the age. He was intelligent, good-looking and could speak several languages. His career as an artist was an excellent cover for international travel and private meetings. So, acting on behalf of the Governors of the Spanish Netherlands, Rubens had covert summits with Europe’s most significant power brokers like Marie de’Medici of France, King Philip IV of Spain, and King Charles I of England.

Our lecturer is Matthew Wilson.

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