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Brockham Green Horticultural Society Winter Talks

We would like to invite everyone along to our last talk of the year which will take place in Brockham Village Hall on Monday 14th April 2025. 7:30pm – 9pm.

Gardening Should be Fun by Jean Griffin

Jean Griffin studied professional horticultural courses firstly at Studley College, Warwickshire and secondly at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. She has spent all her life working in both the Amenity and Commercial sectors of the industry.

She has been involved with Horticultural Education for most of her career and has taught people from all age groups and varying abilities. Jean is a Garden expert and reporter for Gardening Programmes for the BBC including outside broadcasting at the Chelsea and Hampton Court Flowers Shows.

Refreshments will be served, and everyone is welcome, so please bring friends.

The entrance fee is members £3 and non-members £5.

For more information about the Brockham Green Horticultural Society including contact details visit the society page of this website.

Location: Brockham Village Hall
Contact: See above details