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Thames Valley Flood Scheme

The Environment Agency (EA) is leading a project to reduce flood risk throughout the Thames Valley.

The EA, as lead for this Thames Valley Flood Scheme (TVFS) project, is working with support from a range of partners to look at using floodwater storage supported by natural flood management on a large scale across the Thames Valley and have been narrowing down potential locations where it might be possible to store water.

You can find out more about the project and the work undertaken so far in their August 2024 newsletter and on their TVFS website.

The Ea has recently written to landowners and homeowners in the vicinity of the areas the project team has identified for further investigation for flood storage to let them know what the Thames Valley Flood Scheme is, how it aims to reduce flood risk, and to encourage them to sign up to receive our newsletter.  

The next step is for the project team to continue to look more closely into the areas they have identified for further investigation, and, when they have completed this work, they expect to have a shorter list of areas to take forward. At that stage the project team will write to landowners again and consult more widely to seek feedback to learn more about these individual locations.

The information they receive via this consultation will be used, along with technical findings and sustainability information, to establish whether this project would deliver the long term flood risk benefits needed at a catchment scale for the Thames Valley. 

If you would like to sign up for updates visit the project website contact us page and register for updates via email or via your preferred social media channel.