Buckland Village, Surrey Buckland Windmill Buckland Windmill Vanes

Energy Surveys Project 

Would you like to receive a FREE home energy survey ?

Zero Carbon Guildford (ZCG) is coordinating in-person energy advice across Surrey, working with community group partners to deliver thermal imaging surveys and advice. 

Circular Dorking volunteers undertake the surveys in Mole Valley, and, if you request a survey, one of their “Energy champions”, having checked you meet the eligibility criteria, will contact you to arrange a survey.

The surveys are free to eligible residents, no strings attached, no obligation to do anything else – and most Buckland residents will be eligible. 

Surveys last 45-60 minutes. The Energy champion will write up their recommendations, upload thermal images, and arrange for you to be sent a written report, with guidance and recommendations suited to your personal situation and issues with your energy efficiency. 

As thermal imaging requires temperatures outside the home to be colder than indoors you are likely to be advised to book a date for your survey during the autumn/winter.

Request A Survey

Links to more information:

Zero Carbon Guildford Energy Survey Project

SCC Local energy advice demonstrator project